
Beyond Subscriptions: How perpetual software thrives in the cloud?


Środa, 13 Listopada 2024


13:00 Europe/Prague

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Mateusz Drozdowski

Mateusz is a Product Manager at Forscope. He is responsible for the administration of our product portfolio, product-related training, and for providing software licensing consultancies for clients’ projects.

He successfully finished the BSA Verafirm SAM (Software Asset Management) Certification Program which is aligned to the ISO 19770-1 standard.

Plan wydarzenia

Join our free webinar to discover the possibility to use Microsoft perpetual licenses when staying in the cloud!

You will learn:

  • how to bring your own licenses (BYOL) into cloud environments,
  • what is and is not allowed, and which products are eligible,
  • when can they be a good (cheaper) replacement for subscriptions,
  • and we will share examples and recommendations for leveraging perpetual Microsoft licenses in the cloud.

Duration: 30 minutes + Q&A 

Note: The webinar will be held in English.